Compressor Load Optimization

Opportunity: AC compressor load pattern is not easy to understand unless there is a continuous vigil or surveillance to decipher how long compressors was turned on.Compressors are sometimes overloaded due to poor insulation or operating practices that underutilize AC capacity byturning on fewer AC’s then required. Th...

Fault Detection: AC Short Cycling

Opportunity: Short Cycling is a condition where compressors of AC cycle between on and off states with high frequency, which is not how the equipment is designed to operate, leading to shorter equipment life and higher bills. This problem is not easy to identify during maintenance checks, as it is usually result of eve...

Tenant Billing Workflow Digitization

Opportunity: A multi-tenant 1lakh SQFT corporate office facility management team was reliant on manual sub-meter data collection on paper which is then input into excel for allocating utility bills, common area charges, DG charges etc. among its tenants. Solution: Facillizence – Automated Tenant Billing system al...

Maintenance & Operations Workflow Digitization

Opportunity: A multi-tenant 1lakh SQFT corporate office facility management team was reliant on paper and phone based system for help desk operations which caused issue resolution times to be prolonged or in some cases not addressed altogether. Solution: Facillizence – Enterprise maintenance management system was...

Maintenance Productivity Optimization: Chiller Pump Status

Opportunity: A multi-tenant corporate office due to lack of BMS system relied on maintenance team member to manually make 12 trips per day to ensure that chiller pump is running. Solution: Facillizence – Building Asset management system was installed along with proprietary IoT based pump monitoring solutions, whi...

Equipment Scheduling: Chiller Operation Optimization

Opportunity: A half million square feet multi-tenant corporate office had mismatch in chiller actual operation compared to scheduled operation based on tenant occupancy. Solution: Facillizence - Building Asset management system helped close tracking of chiller energy consumption and correlated this data with occupan...